Monday, November 28, 2011

Oh hey world

So here I am 2 months into this crazy thing called Captive Free (aka, travel doing ministry, living in other people's homes, eating other people's food, borrowing other people sanity. haha, I jokes. maybe). This adventure has been just that. 12 states, 8 thousand miles, thousands of people, and even more memories. That sounded precious. Go me.
My life on the road has been a whole lot of many things. Traveling has affirmed me that this is what I am built to do. I have not been to a place yet that I did not love. Iowa: small town awesome where everyone knows everyone (in a good way) and noone locks their doors. Nebraska: prairie awesome. For cereals, I love it here maybe more than anywhere else. Flat is the coolest thing ever. Staying in a grain mill town make my weekend. Colorado: kinna goes without saying, but just in case you live in a shell, rockie awesome mountains. New Mexico: we entered an entirely different environment the moment we crossed into it. it was crazy awesome. Very beautiful, mixing the awesome of flat with some random mountains. Arizona: surprised me with its beauty. Beautiful mountains, crazy cool desert, and a shot of adrenaline every time you check your shoes, backpack, bed, undies for scorpions and spiders. I walked down an ally one night petrified a rattler was gonna jump out and get me. I wanna do it again. ps, did you know that London Bridge is in Arizona? Someone didn't think that through. Its evident in that they set it up and then dug a trench underneath it for that full bridge effect. Nevada: 15 minutes crossed it as we went into California. It seemed cool though. California: ok, of all the places to not be all that impresses, Cali took this hat. it had cool rolling mountains that were a blast to drive through and the ocean was super awesome of course, but other than that I didn't really have the awe effect that Nebraska gave (seriously, loved that place. the T-storms were beyond awesome). Oregon: beautiful ,our time there was too short. It also got bonus points for not being 100* all the time. Arizona was killer for that and Cali didn't let up much). We also saw our first cloud in 3 weeks in Oregon. Awesome. Seattle (I would say Washington, but we really didn't much of it other than the greater Seattle area) was cool. Take the random lakes of St. Paul MN, turn them into ocean inlets, add rockie mountains, and stand under a shower for 3 weeks and you have my time in Seattle. Beautiful place. I returned to randomly shouting "MOUNTAINS" when we arrived here, something I did all too often in Colorado. We left Seattle after 3 weeks, it rained 1 1/4" the day we left. I got to sit in that while putting on the chains on our van tires for the mountain pass where that 1 1/4" of rain was 1.5 feet of snow.  funny how that converts. That drive was 3 hours of 15 miles of mountains in the dark. I was sad to miss the scenery, but enjoyed the return to winter driving. My teammates weren't as joyful as I was for that part. Idaho: did not have the honour of my feet, we drove right through. Should have stopped. You know, just to make sure gravity felt the same there or something. It was another beautiful mountain drive. And finally, Montana: honky toots, I don't know if you could create a more stunning place than northwest Montana. Mountains, rolling hills in plains, beautiful lakes, rivers, and legit Big Sky (its a state catch phrase). The sky has some kind of awesome going on in it. Donno why it sparkled so much. People are really nice here too, small town feel. But never too far from their guns :) One of our contact described a local business man as 'One of those guys who threatened to shoot everyone'. Apparently that described his conflict resolution skills, not his sanity. In Indiana they have signs that say 'Food Gas Fireworks', in Wisconsin 'Food Gas Cheese', and in Montana 'Food Gas Guns'. I like it. maybe. Every time you blink here, you are avoiding another head on collision with dear, so I guess those guns have some purpose.
That was supposed to a brief bit about my travels. I guess 8 thousand miles cannot be described so briefly. I have much more I want to talk about, but I think this is good for now.
tah tah for now.